This will probably be the first of many entries highlighting my intense belief that this election could be the most important one so far in my lifetime (thus explaining Oliver in his campaign shirt to the left). I want to urge everyone to seriously research the candidates and know what they stand for. Charisma only goes so far...does charisma win wars? I think not. Does charisma save an economy? Nope. Will charisma matter when your paycheck decreases while your bills increase? Not even a little. The arrogance and charisma clearly exhibited by one of the candidates may very well be what makes you want to throw the remote at the television when you realize what this charismatic superstar wants to do to our country.
While issues like health care, taxes, education and the economy are key on the election trail, and certainly factors in my decision, character, a strong faith in God and morals and values in line with mine are equally important when I cast my vote in November. The differences between the two candidates (4 if you add in the potential VP's) are monumental and you better believe that this election will greatly impact some of the things you hold most dear. This election could change the face of our country in a way that no one has ever seen. Everything that we pride ourselves on as a country--freedom, free markets, independence, strength and dignity will be challenged.
It is my hope that more people will come to realize this. Realize that we can't have the best of both worlds and pay close attention to the messages your candidate spread. Are the messages strong and consistent across all playing fields? Can you only tax the rich and then expect jobs and wages to increase? Noway, the rich are the ones hiring and paying. With the current state of the economy can you afford to pay more taxes? Not me. Is it the government's job to take care of every individual, regardless of their abilities? No. It is essential to look beyond the flashy talking points and think about substance, consider the effects of certain changes. Think about what it means for you, your family, your community and your country.
We're less than two months away from election day. Now is the time to do your homework, learn about these candidates, their records and their beliefs and make your choice. Pay attention to the upcoming debates, pay attention to what the candidates are saying and learn to ignore extreme liberal media messages.
Study up, register to vote if you haven't and go to the polls on November 4th. The choice is ours and the stakes have never been higher.