"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help'" -Ronald Reagan
There are some things that no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to make sense of. This week both local and national government have done some of the most insane things I've ever seen--things that really get me fired up. The general tone--BIG government is what we need... I COMPLETELY disagree. I believe in personal responsibility and the below examples are so very far from that (and some are just absolutely insane).
First, did you know that the city of Birmingham "deserved" (according to Larry) to have an inauguration celebration with a $50K price tag? For me, that's more of a punishment. My tax dollars are being used for an excessive celebration? The decision from the city to fund such a party is completely irresponsible and I am appalled that they were able to get away with it, history or not. I can only imagine what other places around the country thought--it only reiterated the image of ignorant leadership. Locals are often frustrated by the tainted view outsiders have of our city--things like this only make it worse. If the city wants to celebrate, fine, but do it on a less grand scale. Asking for donations or sponsorships for the event was never part of Larry's big plan, no, that would make too much sense. Up front the city offered to foot the bill for a big party downtown and frugality was never an issue. Celebrate, that's fine, but do it in your own home or at least on a private entity's dime, not mine (and was an HD broadcast really necessary?). Clearly, I'm never letting this go.
Next, in another great local government move the county decided to hire a lobbyist (for $950,000) to seek bailout money for the sewer debt crisis. Another example of irresponsibly fun management. Does anyone see that its not the government's job to bail our county, or any other, out of financial trouble? Take responsibility for your own actions, stop trying to play an ego game and make some big decisions. Fix the mess you made yourself, Jefferson County. (Yes, I live in Jefferson County but Shelby County looks better and better everyday...our next house perhaps.)
Another real pain in my side is the state proposal to provide cell phones to low income families for "emergencies." Don't get me wrong, I totally believe that EVERY person should have access to a phone to call 911. 911 saves lives in medical emergencies, domestic violence incidences, and more. However, for what reason would an additional 68 minutes of talk time, with the option to purchase additional minutes for .20/minute be provided? Did you know that in most states that have this program the overwhelming majority of people who receive these phones PURCHASE additional minutes? If they can afford excess minutes, they can afford their own phone. Buy a pay as you go phone, whatever you want, but don't add on to a "free" plan just because you can. What kind of set up is that? It's pathetic. I'm glad this has hit a road block and I hope it doesn't ever come to fruition. By the way, the company that provides the phones makes a killer profit. I'll support something like this when it's 911 only.
Finally, the national government. Our now President tried to avoid the abortion issue on the campaign trail, but it was clearly a top priority. Not even a week into the job he has overturned legislation that prevents our US tax dollars from paying for international abortions. It's pathetic that yet again people (like me) are forced to pay for something they don't believe in. Obama said he wants people to have options--great, let's make it as easy as possible to be irresponsible. No worries, the government is here for you.
The most incredible quote of all from the week--Obama felt the need to remind everyone that "there was an election in November and I won." Trust me, I don't think anyone forgot that, no matter how hard they tried. However, I also hope that no one forgot all of the lofty campaign promises you made and how so many ignored the consequences of some of your big plans. Whether you voted for Obama or not, let's all hold him accountable, he says that's what he wants "no secrets," let's see how that works out.
I want to be optimistic, I really do, but this week didn't do much for that goal. On to week two of 44's reign.
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