Thursday, July 31, 2008


I have super exciting news! Yesterday I resigned from my position at the Comprehensive Cancer Center to pursue a new career opportunity at o2 ideas public relations. I am super excited about this new challenge and can't wait to see what's in store for me there. Everyone I met there was incredibly nice.

Unfortunately, my supervisor here at the CCC isn't budging much on UAB's one month notice policy, so I'll be at the Cancer Center until August 22nd and I'll start at o2 ideas on August 25th. Oh well, more time to enjoy my fantastic friends here at the Cancer Center!

More details to come...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Our 4th of July weekend was pretty much fantastic (well, with one exception, but I'll get to that). It started out with a "date night" Thursday at Firebirds, which was so so fun! Brad hadn't really planned a night out for us in a while, so it was nice. He pulled out all of the stops like the old days--opening doors, insisting we eat nothing but our favorites and ultimately just being his normal wonderful company. We had a great time just hanging out and I LOVED not having to make any decisions about where we were going or when.

Friday I started off with a visit to my Mamaw in the hospital. She has pneumonia and at 85 that can be pretty serious, but surprisingly enough she was doing great (she's now back at home). Dad and I spent some time with her and then I headed home to start working on all of the festivities. We had a bit of a neighborhood celebration for the 4th. All of our fabulous neighbors and their families (and ours) celebrated with a low country boil and all sorts of other amazing treats (not to mention beverages). We had a great time and got to know some new friends in the neighborhood which is always nice.

We had red, white and blue covered, coincidence? I think not.

Some of the girls

Casey and Rebecca, so sweet!

Saturday was mostly low key until Dawn brought Kaley and Maci to hang out. We went and ate Mexican and attempted to make homemade ice cream (I'll stick to letting others do that or buying it at the store from now on). After that I started feeling sick and that's when the weekend took a bit of a dive. I was in bed all day Sunday and Monday with some sort of stomach bug. It wasn't fun, but I think I'm finally on the road to recovery. I only worked a half day today so tomorrow I have some catching up to do. Oh well, it's better to rest and be safe than get everyone else sick, right?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Oliver meets Hallie!

Lindsay and Hallie came over on Wednesday night to bring me my bridesmaids dress. Hallie was so excited to meet Oliver, but she did not like how excited he was to see her. He kept jumping on her legs and she was not going to have it. After multiple "NO DOG!" commands she decided they'd be better friends if he just played in the floor and she took pictures of him. She actually got some really good pictures of our little guy. Thanks Hal! Although they didn't technically play together, she still managed to tell me at the end of the night that she was sorry because she probably made Oliver sad by coming over and then leaving so quickly. We agreed that they could be best friends--she is such a sweet girl!

Brad says this is Oliver's smile--cute, and sort of scary.

Sweet boy!

I think he knows he's cute?

Oliver and Linds

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A late weekend update...

I just realized that I typically only post after the weekend. I'm not very good at posting during the week--or perhaps, we're just not that interesting? That's probably more accurate.
The most exciting aspect of our weekend was Kaley's All-Star game. They made it to the championship round of the District tournament and ended up beating McAdory in extra innings. Kaley got a crucial hit in the last inning; we were so excited for her and the rest of the team. You wouldn't believe all of the squeals and jumping up and down going on at that moment, it was great! Off to state they go--good luck!

Kaley before the big game--after her 2nd red Powerade. ;)

With her certificate after the big win!

After the ballgames (which lasted well into the night) Brad and I went bowling with Dawn and Brian and some of their friends. We had a really good time hanging out, I just wished it had been earlier so I wouldn't have been so out of it. Bowling at 11:30 at night after little food and a whole lot of ballpark-ness, I wasn't the most exciting company. Hopefully, we'll all hang out again soon. Below is a picture of Dawn with her bowling gear, haha!

That's really not her bag, but I thought it was funny.

Sunday Brad and I were pretty lazy. We hung out around the house most of the day (I did laundry and other exciting things like that) and he watched golf and helped Carl put a light on our garage. Then it was time to take Oliver to get his fourth, and final, set of shots. It was pitiful. The vet warned us that Oliver would be sore and wow, she was right. He was fine for a little bit once we got home, but barely and hour later he could hardly move. He didn't want much company so Brad and I let him sleep while we watched fireworks and sipped wine with our neighbors. The church up the street had fireworks that you could see from the hill behind our house--it was really nice! I love simple excitement like that--a big fireworks show right in my backyard!

Oliver is back to normal now and all is well. I'm counting down the minutes until I get off work on Thursday. I love the 4th of July (I'm a patriotic nerd) and I can't wait until the weekend. Hopefully I'll have more fun things to share after that.