Monday, October 13, 2008

Incredible Irony...

"LOS ANGELES - Oliver Stone thinks George W. Bush was unqualified to be president. However, the filmmaker found him an irresistible figure for drama."

Okay, I couldn't resist re-posting the above lead for a story about the upcoming "W" movie (read the full story at

Oliver Stone, the film's director has been repeatedly quoted saying he "doesn't take sides" when it comes to politics--funny, huh? Does he honestly think anyone is buying that? As for me, not for a second. The film, especially the timing of the release, will obviously further a liberal agenda and I'm willing to bet that the irony is even greater. He'll attack George W. Bush saying he's "unqualified to be president," yet I imagine he'll cast his vote for a man who has never really proven to anyone that he's qualified to be president, or even qualified to be a senator for that matter. Funny how that works, huh? I wonder what 'ole Ollie Stone uses as his prerequisites for the most important job in the world. Hmm... point to ponder.

Liberal agendas, liberal media... if I wasn't so afraid of the outcome, I'd say I can't wait for this election to be over. For anyone who isn't registered to vote, you have until 10 days before the election to do so (Oct. 24th if I'm counting correctly) so REGISTER ASAP, unless you plan to vote for Obama, haha, just kidding--sort of.

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